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Illinois Judicial Events - Riding the Circuit Oral Arguments in Lisle | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Supreme Court ride circuit oral arguments at Benedictine University in Lisle, Illinois during its May 2016 term. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases.

May 19, 2016

Case No. 119563 - People State of Illinois, appellant v. Mark Mannis, appellee

Appeal from: Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, McLean County, Illinois, No. 14 CF 1076

Supreme Court Oral Argument Video

Date Filed Description
02/01/16 Appellant's Brief
04/06/16Appellee's Brief
04/25/16 Amici Brief
05/04/16 Reply Brief

Case No. 119572 - Randall W. Moon, appellant, v. Clarissa F. Rhode, appellee

Appeal from: Appellate Court, Third District
Appellate No.: 3-13-0613
Citation: Moon v. Rhode, 2015 IL App (3d) 130613

Supreme Court Oral Argument Video

Date Filed Description
12/09/15 Appellant's Brief
03/16/16 Appellee's Brief
03/29/16 Amici Brief
03/29/16Amicus Brief
04/26/16 Reply Brief
07/20/15Petition for Leave to Appeal
08/10/15Answer to Petition for Leave to Appeal