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Appellate Court High-Profile Cases | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

High-Profile Appellate Court Cases

This page displays information on high-profile cases which are currently before the Illinois Appellate Court.

All documents in this table are in   PDF format.

Case No. 1-24-0437 Anderson v. Trump

Date Filed Title
02/28/2024 Notice of Appeal
03/12/2024 Motion to Vacate
03/14/2024 Objection to Motion to Vacate
03/14/2024 Motion to File Supporting Record in Support of Motion to Vacate
03/15/2024 Order Allowing the Supporting Record to be Filed
03/15/2024 Supporting Record in Support of Motion to Vacate
03/27/2024 Order
03/27/2024 Order
04/15/2024 Order
04/26/2024 Appellee Brief
05/30/24 Order
07/08/24 Order

Case No. 1-24-0417 Building Owners & Managers Ass'n v. Commission of the Board of Elections of the City of Chicago

Date Filed Title
02/26/2024 Notice of Appeal
02/27/2024 Appearance
02/27/2024 Docketing Statement
02/28/2024 Order
03/01/2024 Appellant's Brief
03/01/2024 Appellant's Brief
03/06/2024 OPINION - Building Owners & Managers Ass'n v. Commission of the Board of Elections of the City of Chicago, 2024 IL App (1st) 240417

Case No. 1-22-0322 People of the State of Illinois v. Jussie Smollett

Date Filed Title
03/11/2022 People v. Smollett Order
03/11/2022 People v. Smollett Notice of Appeal
03/11/2022 People v. Smollett Docketing Statement
03/11/2022 People v. Smollett Emergency Motion to Stay
03/11/2022 People v. Smollett Supporting Record Part 1
03/11/2022 People v. Smollett Supporting Record Part 2
03/16/2022 People v. Smollett Notice of Appearance
03/16/2022 People v. Smollett Response to Emergency Motion to Stay
03/16/2022 People v. Smollett Order
01/17/2023 Defendant-Appellant's Motion for Leave to File Oversized Brief
01/19/2023 State-Appellee's Response in Opposition to the Defendant-Appellant's Motion for Leave to File Oversized Brief
01/25/2023 Defendant-Appellant's 5th Motion for Extension of Time to File
01/30/2023 People v. Smollett Order
01/30/2023 People v. Smollett Supplemental Order
01/30/2023 People v. Smollett Oversized Brief Order
03/01/2023 Defendant-Appellant's Brief & Argument
05/10/23 People v. Smollett Order
05/10/23 Appellee's Brief
08/25/23 Defendant's Reply Brief
12/01/23 OPINION - People v. Smollett, 2023 IL App (1st) 220322
07/10/24 Appellee's Brief