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Supreme Court Certifies Two Kane County Problem Solving Courts


August 21, 2020

The Illinois Supreme Court has recently approved the Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court and the Veterans Treatment Court programs for certification. Members of the Special Supreme Court Advisory Committee for Justice and Mental Health, along with the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts completed a review of the application and the policies and procedures of both programs and found the programs to be in compliance with the Illinois Supreme Court Problem-Solving Court Standards. Judge Marmarie J. Kostelny presides over both programs.

“Both problem-solving court teams are very pleased with this achievement. It marks the successful conclusion of ensuring that our policies, procedures and practices are evidence based and conform to statewide standards,” Kostelny said. 

Problem-solving courts, sometimes referred to as specialty courts or treatment courts, provide an alternative for certain individuals in the criminal justice system who suffer from underlying issues such as those with mental health conditions or substance use disorders. These courts utilize a therapeutic and collaborative approach working with community treatment providers to address behavioral health issues.

The Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court began in 2000, and is celebrating 20 years of assisting those with substance use disorders in completing treatment, avoiding incarceration and becoming productive members of society. The Veterans Treatment Court began in 2018 to assist veterans and service members who have provided invaluable service to our nation but have encountered the criminal justice system. The teams assist participants to obtain help for post-traumatic stress disorders, mental health conditions and substance use disorders.

Each problem solving court program is intensive and requires frequent court appearances, close monitoring in the community, completion of all required treatment and frequent random drug testing.

Kostelny added, “Specialty Court programs not only improve the lives of the individuals in the program, but they help improve the lives of their families members and the communities in which they live.”