Language Interpreter - Getting Certified | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts
How to Get Certified
Step 1: Prepare
To assist the Illinois circuit courts with providing qualified interpreters, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC) administers a statewide certification program for persons with native-like mastery of English and a second language. Certification requires attendance at an orientation and passing written and oral exams. For a detailed overview of the AOIC Language Access Program and the policies and procedures in place for the training and certification of interpreters, please review the Language Access Program Manual.
AOIC Language Access Program Manual
2025 Certification program dates:
To register, visit and select “Language Interpreter Registration.” Please click here for step by step instructions on how to register online. The AOIC only accepts online payment for certification events.
View the 2025 orientation and testing dates
Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing Announcement - 2025
To be placed on the AOIC Court Interpreter Registry, candidates must attend a two-day orientation. This orientation is open to anyone at least 18 years of age with native-like proficiency in English and a second language. It covers the interpreter's role and professional ethics, modes of interpreting used in court, legal terminology, and court protocol.
Candidates may decide whether they’d like to take the written exam before or after the two-day orientation. Self-study is encouraged before taking the written and oral exams to reinforce and expand on what was covered in the orientation. View the 2025 Orientation Agenda.
Sign language and deaf interpreters are only required to attend orientation and will not be tested by the AOIC. Candidates must submit proof of Advanced or Master's level licensure with the IDHHC to attend orientation.
The AOIC offers optional skill building courses for those that have passed the written exam and are preparing for the oral exam or would like to improve their score. The dates and locations are TBD.
To assess whether court interpreting is right for you, review the
NCSC Self-Assessment Tool.
For resources, study materials, legal glossaries, and information on local and online training programs, visit our
Resources section.
Step 2: PASS
The written examination is specifically for foreign language interpreters and may be taken either before or after the two-day orientation. Candidates can decide which step they prefer to complete first, allowing them to either attend the orientation initially or start with the written exam. The written exam, consisting of 135 multiple-choice questions and lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes, assesses English proficiency, legal terminology knowledge, understanding of court procedures, and ethical decision-making.
Candidates who have attended the orientation and passed the written exam may take the NCSC oral exam testing their skills in sight translation, consecutive, and simultaneous interpreting. The exam is offered in 22 languages. Candidates must pass with 70% or higher to be listed on the AOIC Court Interpreter Registry as "Certified." Candidates must pass with a 60% or higher to be listed as "Registered." Full oral exams are currently available in Cantonese, French, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Ilocano, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. Abbreviated exams are available in Arabic (Modern Standard) and Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian, Marshallese and Turkish. Effective July 1, 2024, out of state test takers will be charged $300 for the oral exam.
If you speak a language that is not offered by the NCSC oral exam, you may be able to take an oral proficiency interview (OPI), if available in your language. You must receive the highest score to be listed as "Qualified." The company that administers the OPIs is called ALTA. To see the list of languages available for an OPI, please
click here.
To register, visit and select “Language Interpreter Registration.” Please click here for step by step instructions on how to register online. The AOIC only accepts online payment for certification events.
Due to recent demand we have not scheduled events in Springfield this year, but the AOIC can make arrangements in Springfield for an orientation or for written and oral exams if there is sufficient demand.
Please note that our office only holds two orientations a year. You are welcome to attend an orientation at another state and receive credit for your attendance with our program. Please contact the program administrator in the state of your choice to find out additional details.
Registration is now open, please click here to view the dates, fees and registration deadlines, and go to to register.
If you would like to test in Springfield, please contact the Noor Alawawda at Additional dates may be scheduled as needed.
More information about the NCSC written exam.
The first of each month
Please email Noor Alawawda at to be added to the waiting list.
Registration is now open, please
click here to view the dates, fees and registration deadlines, and go to to register.
Additional dates may be scheduled as needed.
More information about the NCSC written exam
Information about the standards used to rate and score the oral exams
Oral exam test agreement
FEE: $130 for all languages
LOCATION: All exams take place over the phone. You will call a number provided by ALTA at a prescheduled date and time. You can use your personal cell phone or land line telephone for taking the exam.
DATE: OPI exams are scheduled individually. Please contact to schedule the exam at your convenience. You must contact the AOIC two weeks in advance of your desired date and time.
More information about the OPI exam
Step 3: Enroll
After passing the relevant exams, candidates will receive an application packet to become certified, qualified or registered with the Supreme Court of Illinois. Certified, qualified and registered foreign language interpreters and eligible sign language interpreters will be included on a
statewide registry that is made available to all circuit courts in Illinois. Interpreter assignments are arranged at the county level by the court administrator or other court personnel on an as-needed basis.
Reciprocity requirements:
Foreign language interpreters that have completed portions of the foreign language certification process for other state courts, the federal courts, or have passed the NAJIT exam may be eligible for reciprocity. If you are eligible, please fill out the
Application form for reciprocity. Please email, fax or mail the application and any supporting documentation as an email attachment to Noor Alawawda, Senior Program Manager, Language Access, at or 312-793-0740 (fax). We will continue to accept reciprocity applications on a rolling basis.
Changes effective January 1, 2025
The court interpreter certification process is being reorganized, with changes taking effect on January 1, 2025. Candidates will now have the flexibility to choose whether to take the written exam before or after completing the two-day orientation. Previously, attending the orientation was required before taking the written exam. Both the orientation and written exam must still be completed and passed to qualify for the oral exam or oral proficiency interview (OPI).
The two-day orientation provides essential training on the interpreter's role, professional ethics, modes of interpreting used in court, legal terminology, and court protocols. The written exam, consisting of 135 multiple-choice questions and lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes, assesses English proficiency, legal terminology knowledge, understanding of court procedures, and ethical decision-making. A passing score remains 80% or higher. In addition, the waiting period to retake the written exam will be reduced from six months to three months, while the six-month waiting period for the oral exam will remain unchanged. To support these updates, the written exam will be offered monthly throughout 2025.