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Court-Annexed Mandatory Arbitration Annual Report Fiscal Year 2005 - Eleventh Circuit | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Eleventh Judicial Circuit
(Ford and McLean Counties)

Arbitration Program Information

In March of 1996, the Supreme Court of Illinois entered an order which authorized Ford and McLean Counties in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit to begin operating arbitration programs. The arbitration program center for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit is located in Bloomington, Illinois and it hosts hearings for both counties. A supervising judge from each county is assigned to oversee arbitration matters and is assisted by an arbitration program administrator.


Ford County

Following are charts and diagrams which contain data from State Fiscal Year 2005.

State Fiscal Year 2005

Ford County

At a Glance Arbitration Caseload Information

State of Illinois
At A Glance Arbitration Caseload Information

Number of Cases Pending / Referred to Arbitration  55                
Number of Cases Settled /Dismissed  42                
Number of Cases Pending  13
Number of Arbitration Hearings  8
Number of Awards Accepted  9*                
Number of Awards Rejected  0
Number of Cases Filed in Arbitration which Proceeded to Trial  0

* While only 8 hearings were conducted during this fiscal year, an award was posted from a hearing held in the last month of the previous fiscal year.

Chart shows cases referred to Ford County's arbitration program vary annually, an average of 45 cases per year were referred to arbitration over the past five state fiscal years.

While cases referred to Ford County's arbitration program vary annually, an average of 45 cases per year were referred to arbitration over the past five state fiscal years.

Chart shows information regarding the total number of cases litigated in arbitration which yielded either a disposition or, ultimately went to trial.

The chart above presents information regarding the total number of cases litigated in arbitration which yielded either a disposition or, ultimately went to trial. Program data indicates that either a settlement or dismissal was reached in 76% (42 of 55 cases were disposed) of the cases filed in the Ford County arbitration program for State Fiscal Year 2005. This disposition rate is moderately lower than the five year average of 83% and is less than the statewide average of 84%.

A more significant performance indicator for arbitration, however, is measuring the number of cases which, having completed the arbitration process, proceed to trial. In Ford County, all cases filed in arbitration have been either settled or dismissed without proceeding to trial.

McLean County

Following are charts and diagrams which contain data from State Fiscal Year 2005.

State Fiscal Year 2005

McLean County

At a Glance Arbitration Caseload Information

State of Illinois
At A Glance Arbitration Caseload Information

Number of Cases Pending / Referred to Arbitration  1768                                 
Number of Cases Settled /Dismissed  903                                 
Number of Cases Pending  865                
Number of Arbitration Hearings 67
Number of Awards Accepted  25                                 
Number of Awards Rejected  20                 
Number of Cases Filed in Arbitration which Proceeded to Trial  1

Chart shows cases referred to McLean County's arbitration program vary annually, an average of 1,023 cases per year were referred to arbitration over the past five state fiscal years.

While cases referred to McLean County's arbitration program vary annually, an average of 1,023 cases per year were referred to arbitration over the past five state fiscal years.

Chart shows information on a five year trend for the total number of cases litigated in arbitration which yielded either a disposition, or ultimately went to trial.

The chart above presents information on a five year trend for the total number of cases litigated in arbitration which yielded either a disposition, or ultimately went to trial. Program data indicates that either a settlement or dismissal was reached in 51% (902 of 1,768 cases were disposed) of the cases filed in the McLean County arbitration program for State Fiscal Year 2005. This disposition rate is moderately lower than the five year average of 58% and is less than the statewide average of 84%.

A more significant performance indicator for arbitration, however, is measuring the number of cases which, having completed the arbitration process, proceed to trial. In McLean County, only one case litigated in arbitration proceeded to trial.