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Supreme Court Rules Committee Sets Public Hearing on Proposals


The Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee will hear comments July 21, 2021, at a public hearing in Chicago on four proposals.

All the proposals, which must be approved by the Illinois Supreme Court before they could take effect, will be aired at a hearing before the Rules Committee at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 21, 2021, in Room C-500 of the Michael A. Bilandic Building, 160 N. LaSalle St. in Chicago.

Due to current room capacity restrictions, in-person attendance at the public hearing will be limited to Rules Committee members and registered speakers only.

Members of the public will be able to view the hearing online via link that will be provided on the Rules Committee Public Hearing page of the Supreme Court's website by clicking here.
The Supreme Court Rules Committee invites public comments on the proposals. Written comments should be submitted by Wednesday, July 7, 2021, to  or via mail to: Committee Secretary, Supreme Court Rules Committee, 222 N. LaSalle Street, 13th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60601. All written comments submitted will also be published and accessible on the Supreme Court's website.

To be scheduled to testify at the public hearing, please register by sending an e-mail to the Rules Committee Secretary, as noted above, no later than Wednesday, July 14, 2021.

The following are the proposals which the Rules Committee seeks comment on:

Proposal 20-01, which would amend Supreme Court Rule 13 and its Committee Comments to make withdrawal by a limited scope attorney from a court matter automatic upon termination of the limited scope representation and the filing of a notice of withdrawal.

Proposal 20-03, which would amend Rule 13 to a) streamline the process for withdrawal from a limited scope appearance, b) require the use of standardized forms for entering and withdrawing from a limited scope appearance, and c) clarify the procedures by which a limited scope client can object to an attorney's completion of the limited scope appearance. The proposal would also amend Rule 793 to include access to justice and limited scope representation as suggested topics for inclusion in the basic skills course and amend Rule 794 to include access to justice and limited scope representation as topics eligible for professional responsibility credit.

Proposal 20-09, which would amend 315(b)(1) to clarify the thirty-five-day deadline for filing a Petition for Leave to Appeal (PLA) after a modified decision upon denial of rehearing is calculated from the date on which a modified decision was issued. The proposal would also amend Rule 321 and propose new Rules 322 and 455 to create procedures for ensuring that hearing and trial exhibits become part of the record on appeal. The proposal also amends Rule 341 to create a new procedure for citing supplemental authorities by letter.

Proposal 21-01, which would amend various Supreme Court Rules to further facilitate and specifically authorize the use of remote appearances in civil proceedings.

Justice Rita B. Garman serves as Supreme Court liaison to the Rules Committee and James A. Hansen of Schmiedeskamp Robertson Neu & Mitchell, LLP, is chair of the committee.