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Details | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Access to Justice Commission Is Accepting Proposals for Self-Represented Litigant Coordinators


August 26, 2019

The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice (ATJ Commission) and the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts has issued a request for proposals (RFP) from all judicial circuits in Illinois for Self-Represented Litigant (SRL) Coordinators.

SRL Coordinators are intended as a bridge, linking their courthouses with others throughout the state to share ideas, develop new resources, and establish programs for assisting SRLs. Monetary grants will be awarded to a limited number of judicial circuits to support the work and programs of the Coordinator. Even if a grant is not awarded, the designated Coordinator may participate in the SRL Coordinator program.

To date, 13 judicial circuits have participated in the SRL Coordinator network since it was launched in December 2017, and over 40,000 SRLs were assisted by Coordinators in the first year and a half of the program.

The Coordinator must be a staff person from the chief judge or presiding judge’s office, and this person should possess demonstrated knowledge of the challenges faced by SRLs and familiarity with court operations and the legal community. An effective Coordinator will have strong problem-solving skills, customer service skills, and the ability to work both independently and with others. The Coordinator's attendance will be required for in-person training twice per year.

The RFP is available at and must be submitted before 5 p.m. on October 1, 2019. All award decisions will be made by the ATJ Commission's SRL Coordinator Advisory Committee.