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Illinois Judges Receive Recognition and Awards - February 24, 2020 | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Illinois Judges Receive Recognition and Awards - February 24, 2020


February 24, 2020

Illinois judges are increasingly being recognized for their dedicated work in courtrooms throughout the state. Here are some of the recent honors received by Illinois judges:

  • First District Appellate Justice Mathias W. Delort was honored on February 17, 2020, as the recipient of the Robert J. Mangler Distinguished Service Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Illinois Local Government Lawyer's Association at their annual conference at Northern Illinois University in Naperville.
  • Circuit Judge Grace G. Dickler, the Presiding Judge of the Domestic Relations Division, and First District Appellate Justice Jesse G. Reyes were honored on February 20, 2020, at the Fourth Annual Judicial Reception by the Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois in Chicago. Judge Dickler was the recipient of the Distinguished Judicial Service Award and Justice Reyes was the recipient of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award.
  • Cook County Circuit Judges Cheyrl D. Ingram, Diane M. Shelley, and the Hon. Anthony L. Young (retired) will be honored on February 27, 2020, as recipients of the Earl B. Dickerson Award by the Chicago Bar Association. The Dickerson Award recognizes and honors minority lawyers and judges whose careers at the bar emulate the courage and dedication of Dickerson in making the law the key to justice for all in our society.

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