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Illinois judges receive recognition and awards | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Illinois judges receive recognition and awards


Illinois judges are increasingly being recognized for their dedicated work in courtrooms throughout the state. Here are some of the recent honors received by Illinois judges:

  • Cook County Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans will be honored on October 5 by the Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP) as the recipient of the Hon. John Powers Crowley Award, which is bestowed "to a member of the judiciary who has contributed to the goals and mission of LAP”, at the 2024 LAP Awards Dinner. First District Appellate Justice Jesse G. Reyes will be the honored guest and speaker at the event.
  • First District Appellate Justice Margaret Stanton McBride will be honored on September 26 by the Chicago Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Foundation as one of the recipients of the annual John Paul Stevens Awards at a ceremony at the Union League Club. The Stevens Awards “honor attorneys and judges who have demonstrated the highest commitment to integrity and public service throughout their careers”.

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