Procurement Opportunities | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts
Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice Request for Proposals to Provide Audit Services
The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice (Commission) is accepting proposals from CPA firms to provide audit services to our organization. This audit is for the fiscal year ending June 30, with the option of auditing its financial statements for each of the four subsequent fiscal years. We invite your firm to submit a proposal to us by close of business July 26, 2024, for consideration.
A description of our organization, the services needed, and other pertinent information follows:
Background on the Commission
In June 2012, the Illinois Supreme Court created the Commission via the Court’s rulemaking authority to “promote, facilitate, and enhance equal access to justice with an emphasis on access to the Illinois civil courts and administrative agencies for all people, particularly the poor and vulnerable.” The Court directed the Commission to complement existing efforts and to coordinate and collaborate with the civil legal aid funders and Illinois service providers that devote significant resources and efforts to provide legal representation to those in need. The members of the Commission were appointed for initial terms by Supreme Court order. The Court has continued to appoint and reappoint members.
The Commission’s annual revenues are derived from Lexis Nexis and Westlaw royalties, pro hac vice fees, and attorney registration fees. The organization has a fiscal year from July 1 through June 30 with a requirement to file an audit statement each year with the Illinois Supreme Court per Illinois Supreme Court Rule 10-100(d)(4). The audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, will be the Commission’s first audit and annual audits are expected thereafter. There are no prior audited financials.
The Commission receives staff support through the Access to Justice Division at the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and does not have employees. Annual revenues range from $850,000 to $1.1 million per year and the assets are approximately $2.1 million.
Services to Be Performed
Annual financial and compliance audit. The compliance aspect of the audit will evaluate the Commission’s compliance with its Financial Policies and Procedures Manual. Meetings with the Commission’s Finance Committee and/or Commission, as necessary. The audits are expected to be completed by January 31 of each year.
Key Personnel
Following is the key contact for information you may seek in preparing your proposal:
Alison D. Spanner, Access to Justice and Strategic Planning, Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts: or 312.909.2708.
Your Response to This Request for Proposal
In responding to this request, we request the following information:
- Details on your firm’s experience providing auditing services to government and companies in the not-for-profit sector and small charitable foundations. Please provide specific comparable entities and indicate if we can contact them.
- Services provided to related industry associations or groups.
- Describe the firm’s independence with respect to the Commission and the Illinois Supreme Court.
- Describe the commitments you will make to maintaining staff continuity, including your firm’s staff turnover experience in the last three years.
- Identify the partner, manager, and in-charge accountant who will be assigned to our account if you are successful in your bid and provide biographies. Indicate any complaints against them that have been leveled by the state board of accountancy or other regulatory authority. Indicate any corrective actions that have been taken by the firm with respect to them.
- Describe how your firm will provide auditing services to the Commission, including –
- the use of any association or affiliate member firm personnel and the areas that will receive primary emphasis,
- the firm’s use of technology in the auditing process, and
- the communication process used by the firm to discuss issues with the Finance Committee of the Commission.
- Set forth your fee proposal for all pricing information relative to performing the audit engagement as described in this RFP on a “not to exceed” basis for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, along with an option to renew for years 2025-2029. The total all-inclusive not to exceed maximum price is to include all direct and indirect costs including all out-of-pocket expenses. The proposed hourly billing rates shall include all expenses.
Evaluation of Proposals
The Commission will evaluate proposals on a qualitative basis. This may include some or all the following: interviews with senior engagement personnel to be assigned to our organization; results of discussions with other clients; and the firm’s completeness and timeliness in its response to us.
Please submit your response to this request for proposal to Alison Spanner at by the close of business July 26, 2024. We would also appreciate a response if you decline to submit a proposal.