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Circuit Court Vacancies | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Current Circuit Court Vacancies

Vacancy Position Posting Date Posting Ends Links & Other Information
Eighth Judicial Circuit Vacancy At-Large 10/11/2024 9:00 AM 11/01/2024 4:30 PM


Certified Judicial Vacancies for the 2024 Election

Primary Election will be held March 19, 2024 – General Election will be held November 5, 2024 – Terms of Office begin December 2, 2024.
 These are for certified vacancies that occurred in the First Filing Period and updated with vacancies through December 4, 2023. Additional vacancies will be added once certified.

  For Supreme and Appellate Court vacancies, please visit the State Board of Elections website.

Cook County Vacancies

Circuit Type of
 Subcircuit Judicial Officer Status
Cook At Large N/A Vincent Gaughan Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
Cook At Large N/A Catherine Haberkorn Retired 1/30/23
Cook At Large N/A Arnette Hubbard  Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
Cook At Large N/A Marcia Maras Retired 07/15/22
Cook At Large N/A Raymond Mitchell Appointed Appellate 7/6/22
Cook At Large N/A Timothy Murphy Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
Cook At Large N/A Lorna Propes Retired 1/27/23
Cook At Large N/A William Raines Retired 11/6/22
Cook At Large N/A Laura Sullivan Retired 12/31/22
Cook At Large N/A Debra Walker Elected Appellate 12/5/22
Cook  At Large N/A James P. Flannery, Jr.  Deceased 10/13/23
Cook Resident 3rd Edward Harmening Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Retired 9/11/22
Cook Resident 3rd Janet Brosnahan Retired 1/28/24
Cook Resident 4th Peter Felice Retired 07/21/23
Cook Resident 4th Edward King Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
Cook Resident 4th Edward Maloney Deceased 3/9/23
Cook Resident 5th Casandra Lewis Retired 11/30/22
Cook Resident 7th Irwin Solganick Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
Cook Resident 8th Ann Collins-Dole Retired 7/6/23
Cook Resident 10th Clare McWilliams Retired 7/31/23
Cook Resident 10th Gregory Wojkowski Retired 1/30/23
Cook Resident 11th Ann Finley Collins Retired 1/30/23
Cook Resident 11th Paula Daleo Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
Cook Resident 12th Grace Dickler Retired 9/25/22
Cook Resident 12th Marguerite Quinn Retired 7/04/23
Cook Resident 12th Andrea Schleifer Retired 7/31/22
Cook Resident 13th Samuel Betar, III Retired 12/30/22
Cook Resident 13th Ketki Shroff Steffen Retired 11/30/22
Cook Resident 14th James O'Hara Retired 1/17/23
Cook Resident 14th Daniel Pierce Retired 9/30/22
Cook Resident 15th Michael Toomin Retired 12/31/22
Cook Resident 15th Anna Demacopoulos Retired 10/23/23
Cook Resident 16th Maxwell Griffin, Jr. Retired 7/14/23  *See note below
Cook  Resident 16th Lawrence E. Flood Retired 9/30/23  *See note below
Cook Resident 17th Brian Flaherty Retired 7/14/23  *See note below
Cook Resident 17th Carmen K. Aguilar Retired 12/31/23  *See note below
Cook Resident 18th James Linn Retired 8/31/23  *See note below
Cook  Resident 18th Lauren Edidin Retired 1/30/24  *See note below
Cook Resident 19th Robert Senechalle, Jr. Retired 9/11/23  *See note below
Cook Resident 20th Elizabeth Budzinski Retired 9/29/23  *See note below

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Maxwell Griffin, Jr. is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 16.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Lawrence E. Flood is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 16.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Brian K. Flaherty is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 17.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Carmen K. Aguilar is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 17.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of James Linn is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 18.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Lauren Edidin is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 18.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Robert Senechalle, Jr. is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 19.

 Cook County: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f The associate judgeship of Elizabeth Budzinksi is converted to a resident judgeship alloted to Subcircuit 20.

Downstate Vacancies

Circuit Type of
County or
Judicial Officer Status
1st Resident Pope Joseph Leberman Retired 10/31/22
2nd Resident Franklin Thomas Tedeschi Retiring 11/30/24
4th  Resident Montgomery James L. Roberts Retired 3/31/23
4th At Large N/A Michael McHaney Elected Appellate 12/5/22
5th Resident Vermilion Nancy S. Fahey Retired 9/30/22
6th Resident Douglas Richard L. Broch, Jr. Retired 3/31/23
7th Resident 3rd Kenneth Deihl Retiring 11/30/24
9th Resident McDonough William Poncin Did Not Seek Retention in 2022 - Term Expired 12/4/22
10th Resident Peoria Michael D. Risinger Retired 11/30/22 *See note below
10th Resident Peoria Kevin Lyons Retired 8/4/23
10h  Resident Stark Bruce Fehrenbacher Deceased 11/22/23
12th At Large N/A Susan O'Leary Retired 7/31/23
12th Resident 2nd James Jeffrey Allen Retired 12/31/22  *See note below
12th Resident 4th Paula A. Gomora Retired 1/5/24  *See note below
13th Resident Bureau Marc Bernabei Retired 8/14/22
13th Resident LaSalle Joseph Hettel Appointed Appellate 7/2/22
13th Resident Grundy Lance Peterson Appointed Appellate 8/1/22
14th Resident Mercer James Conway, Jr. Retired 8/10/23
14th Resident Whiteside Patricia Senneff Retiring 12/1/24
14th Resident Whiteside Stanley Steines Retired 12/31/23
16th At Large N/A Donald Hudson Deceased 4/11/23
16th Resident 2nd John Noverini Retired 8/15/22  *See note below
16th Resident 4th Thomas Hull, III Retired 9/6/24  *See note below
17th Resident 1st Joseph G. McGraw Retired 7/5/23 *See note below
18th Resident 2nd Linda E. Davenport Appointed to the Appellate Court *See note below
18th Resident 3rd John J. Kinsella Retired 1/27/23 *See note below
18th Resident 1st Liam C. Brennan Elected to the Appellate Court *See note below
21st Resident Kankakee Adrienne Albrecht Retired 7/5/22
22nd At Large N/A Robert Wilbrandt, Jr. Retired 7/23/22
22nd  Resident McHenry James S. Cowlin Retired 1/30/24
23rd Resident Kendall Melissa S. Barnhart Retired 7/10/22

 10th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-16(a) The at-large judgeship of Michael D. Risinger is converted to a Peoria Resident judgeship.

 12th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-4 The resident judgeship of James Jeffrey Allen is realloted to Subcircuit 2.

 12th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-4 The resident judgeship of Paula Gomora is realloted to Subcircuit 4.

 16th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-9 The resident judgeship of John A. Noverini is realloted to Subcircuit 2.

 16th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-9 The resident judgeship of Thomas Clinton Hull, III is realloted to Subcircuit 4.

 17th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-6 The at-large judgeship of Joseph G. McGraw is converted to a resident judgeship and alloted to Subcircuit 1. 

 18th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-18 The at-large judgeship of Linda E. Davenport is converted to a resident judgeship and alloted to Subcircuit 2.

 18th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-18 The at-large judgeship of John J. Kinsella is converted to a resident judgeship and alloted to Subcircuit 3.

 18th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-18 The resident judgeship of Liam C. Brennan is alloted to Subcircuit 1.


Judicial Vacancies for the 2026 Election

Cook County Vacancies

Circuit Type of
 Subcircuit Judicial Officer Status
Cook At Large N/A Paul A. Karkula Retired 1/29/24
Cook Resident 3rd Thomas W. Murphy Retired 7/2/24  *See note below
Cook Resident 16th Callie L. Baird Retiring 4/15/24  *See note below
Cook Resident 16th  Patricia Mendoza Retired 7/31/24  *See note below
Cook Resident 17th Lloyd J. Brooks Appointed Circuit Judge 4/29/24 *See note below
Cook Resident 18th Jeffrey G. Chrones Appointed Circuit Judge 4/29/24 *See note below
Cook Resident 19th John A. Fairman Appointed Circuit Judge 4/29/24 *See note below
Cook Resident 19th Michael J. Kane Retired 2/23/24  *See note below
Cook Resident 20th David E. Haracz Retired 3/31/24  *See note below
Cook Resident 20th Stephanie K. Miller Appointed Circuit Judge 4/29/24 *See note below

 3rd Subcircuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f - created by Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

 16th Subcircuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f - created by Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

 17th Subcircuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f - created by Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

 18th Subcircuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f - created by Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

 19th Subcircuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f - created by Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

 20th Subcircuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f - created by Judicial Circuits Districting Act of 2022.

Downstate Vacancies

Circuit Type of
County or Subcircuit Judicial Officer Status
8th At Large N/A Robert Adrian Removed by Courts Commission  *See note below
10th Resident Peoria John P. Vespa Retiring 07/31/24  *See note below
12th Resident 1st David M. Carlson Retired 4/30/24   *See note below

 8th Circuit: This vacancy will be certified by the Courts Commission.

 10th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-16(a) The at-large judgeship of John P. Vespa is converted and elected as a Peoria resident judgeship.

 12th Circuit: Pursuant to 705 ILCS 35/2f-4 -The resident judgeship of David M. Carlson is re-alloted to Subcircuit 1.