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Appellate Court E-Filing | State of Illinois Office of the Illinois Courts

Appellate Court E-Filing

On January 22, 2016, the Illinois Supreme Court entered  Order M.R. 18368 announcing mandatory e-filing of civil cases in the Illinois Supreme, Appellate and Circuit Courts. The January 22, 2016, Order required e-filing through a single, centralized electronic filing manager (EFM), called eFileIL, mandated dates for the implementation of eFileIL, and included integration with each court's case management system. Filers use Electronic Filing Service Providers (EFSP) to submit filings through EFileIL to any Illinois court. For a list of certified EFSP's click here.

For an e-filing status of the Illinois Supreme Court, the 5 Appellate Court Districts, and the 102 Trial Courts, click here - e-File Active courts

On May 30, 2017, the Supreme Court amended the January 22, 2016, Order to further facilitate the Illinois Courts' statewide move to an electronic filing system and respond to issues that have been raised during the initial e-filing implementation. The May 30, 2017, amended  Order M.R. 18368 prohibits court and vendor fees for e-filing, exempts incarcerated pro se litigants from e-filing (subsequent filings only), and includes the implementation of a statewide remote access system called re:SearchIL.

The Supreme Court's statewide e-filing initiative provides a uniform filing experience for all filers in any court and continues the use of technology solutions in the judicial branch which streamlines the process for filing documents - conserving environmental resources and time while generating long-term cost savings. In addition, the Supreme Court's amended Order directs the initial implementation of the re:SearchIL application which promotes the use of electronic court documents and prepares for a remote public access application, eventually, providing attorneys and the public a central location to access all court documents ( Read the press release).

For more information on Illinois' statewide e-filing initiative, please visit the  eFileIL website.

Trial Courts

Consistent with the Supreme Court's Order (M.R. 18368) all trial courts began mandatory civil E-filing effective January1, 2018, with 95 of the state's 102 counties filing through EFileIL.

Consistent with the Court's May 30, 2017, Order,  by no later than July 1, 2018, all circuit courts with stand-alone e-filing systems shall complete migration from their stand-alone e-filing systems to eFileIL and make their court documents available in ResearchIL.

For an e-filing status of the Illinois Supreme Court, the 5 Appellate Court Districts, and the 102 Trial Courts, click here -  e-File Active courts